I am an immigrant. I migrated to the U.S. from the Philippines. Although it wasn't always the case, today I am learning to peel the shame I used to feel about being an immigrant. Some cringe at the word "immigrant"; some take and use it as an insult. Many believe that it's an F-word; a word that's a curse, a taboo, something dirty, a word people aren't suppose to use, it's thrown around like a weapon of hate.

The history of the word, from my understanding, is that it was used to place an identifier on a group that was seen as an 'other.' It has been posed to me that perhaps the word "immigrant" should not be used in the first place. But I disagree; eradicating the word isn't a protest of disregard of the power of the ruling class. but rather it's an admittance of their power.

Instead of using "immigrant" as an F-word, I'm suggesting that people remember that language is ours; We determine its meaning and its development, not the other way around. I am an immigrant; I migrated from one place to another. There is nothing wrong with that.

(My particular interest is in the undocumented immigrant experience, particularly undocumented immigrant youth. This blog seeks to journey into learning about the lives of immigrants, documented and undocumented alike, and the politics surrounding the subject.)

"google that!"

Immigrant Rights are Human Rights; If a group of people can be oppressed, who decides who's next?

Inform yourself and others, go to google.com and youtube.com and check out things like:

I.C.E. Detention Center / Hutto Dention Center / DREAM Act

Thursday, October 2, 2008


March and Rally for Worker & Immigrant Rights
Indigenous Peoples Day

In front of Wells Fargo Bank
450-45 75th Street, Queens, NY
Take the #7 or the F/V to Roosevelt/74th St. Stop

Actions to be held in New York City, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Madison, Detroit, South Bend, Seattle, Phoenix, Tucson, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and others

Why Wells Fargo?
* Wells Fargo Bank houses and profits from racist, terrorist Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona
* Wells Fargo profits from the sweat of immigrant labor making tons of money from remittances
* The Wall Street Bail Out will be stolen from the people. Wells Fargo will profit from that theft

In May of this year and then again in August, the Department of Homeland Security through the hated ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) carried out some of the biggest anti-worker raids in U.S. history. These raids are made against workers at the very same time that the super-rich get saved on Wall Street!

The raids in the immigrant community are calculated to not only terrorize immigrant workers but they are meant to break unions, divide working people and send a message to us all: don’t fight back or else.

The economy is reeling from rising unemployment, housing foreclosures, price hikes—and the crisis on Wall Street is affecting every one but the super-rich. Yet it was them that made the crisis in the first place, not the people! At the same time, fear mongering such as that by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Phoenix occurs which is meant to divert us from the real enemy. As one activist put it “Arizona has become for the immigrant rights movement what Mississippi was for the Black Civil Rights movement.”

This is a time to come together.

We call on people from every walk of life, from every nationality, black, Latin@, Asian, Arab, Native, and white, U.S. or foreign born, documented or undocumented, in a union or unorganized to come out on October 12.

October 12 is part of a national day of action in over 30 cities. This day is known in the Latino community as Dia de la Raza and is a day for Indigenous People as a counter to the racist Christopher Columbus day, which is a day of conquest and disaster for the Americas.

Join us on October 12 to tell the Bush administration and all the presidential candidates: We demand:
* Bail out the people, not the Banks!
* Immediate Legalization for undocumented workers!
* Moratorium on the ICE raids!
* Moratorium home foreclosures!
* Money for hurricane victims not for war in Iraq!
* No to ICE & police brutality. Justice for Sean Bell & all victims of brutality!
* Political asylum for Victor Toro!
* Union jobs at union wages for all!
* Solidarity not racism!
* No to Lou Dobbs & all hate-mongers!

Event initiated by the May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights. For more information visit www.may1.info or call 641.715.3900 x97869# or 212.633.6646.

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